Mural on the façade of air quality monitoring booth
Jaakko ”Salama” Vuorenmäki
This work by Jaakko “Salama” (“Lightning”) Vuorenmäki on the façade of an air quality monitoring booth on Saimaankatu was completed in 2021. The mural shows an urban landscape with many buildings and the winding streets between them. The foreground is filled with colourful tower blocks with lots of details, while a black urban silhouette serves as the backdrop. In keeping with the traditions of graffiti, the painting combines bold colours with sinuous shapes that express wild energy.

Artwork on the map
Crossroads of Saimaankatu and Kiveriönkatu streets. –
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Mural on the façade of air quality monitoring booth
Crossroads of Saimaankatu and Kiveriönkatu streets. –
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