Faith, Home, Fatherland / Aerial bombings 1939–1944
Unto Ojonen
Stone, bronze
During the Winter War, the first bombs of the war, originally aimed at the railway station and radio masts, were dropped by the Soviet Air Force in the Asemantausta area of Lahti. A monument designed by Unto Ojonen was erected on the site and unveiled to the public on 30 November 1989, fifty years to the day after the historic bombing. Inscribed at the bottom of the memorial are two texts: “This area was hit by the enemy on the 1st day of the Winter War” and “This monument was erected on 30 November 1989 by veterans of our wars in Lahti”. The central element of the monument is a monolith set on a stepped stone base, on which the words “FAITH, HOME, FATHERLAND”, the year 1939 and a bronze Mannerheim Cross are inscribed on bronze plaques. The second component of the monument, on the left side of the monolith, is a composition of falling bombs and stones.

Artwork on the map
On the edge of Helkalantori, on the side of Kaarikatu street. – Kaarikatu 3, Lahti.
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Faith, Home, Fatherland / Aerial bombings 1939–1944
On the edge of Helkalantori, on the side of Kaarikatu street. – Kaarikatu 3, Lahti.
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