Commemorative relief to war children
War children and Reijo Huttu
On the right side of the main entrance to Lahti railway station are two reliefs. The upper one is a plaque commissioned in 1997 by the society of war children in Lahti to commemorate the children who left the city and returned there or who travelled through Lahti during the war. The relief was designed by three people who had been children during the war: Teuvo Halme, Pirkko Tähkäpää and Mikko Huotari. The children’s faces were sculpted by Reijo Huttu, whose relief of Jouko Skinnari is mounted on the same wall just below.

Artwork on the map
On the facade of the railway station, to the right of the main entrance. – Mannerheiminkatu 15, Lahti.
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Commemorative relief to war children
On the facade of the railway station, to the right of the main entrance. – Mannerheiminkatu 15, Lahti.
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