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119 results
After the Battle Willehard Martin & Urho Heinänen 1920 Granite
Aino Fountain Emil Wikström 1909 Bronze
Animal sculptures in Radiomäki Hill Johannes Ivakko 2003 Concrete
Arc Olavi Lanu 1990 Concrete
Awakening Sakari Tohka 1955 Bronze
Big Stone Olavi Lanu 1991 Concrete
Block party Laura Lehtinen & Maikki Rantala 2020 Mural
Blue Brakes & Light Spin Kari Lindström 1999 Environmental art
Blue Moment Roberto Ciredz 2017 Mural
Bust of J. R. Danielson-Kalmari Aimo Tukiainen 1954 Bronze
Bust of President J. K. Paasikivi Pentti Papinaho 1968 Bronze
Commemorative relief to war children War children and Reijo Huttu 1997
Connections I and II (“Lahti Calling Card”) Matti Koskela 2012 Stainless steel
Crucible Risto Pentikäinen 2012 Plastic
Diamond Anu Suhonen 2018 Mural
Eetu Salin Veikko Leppänen 1967 Bronze
Eliel Saarinen Pentti Papinaho 1975 Bronze
Endless Berry path Anna-Lea Kopperi 2022 Environmental art
Equestrian statue of Mannerheim Veikko Leppänen 1959 Pronssi
Evacuee Reijo Huttu and Pekka Asikainen 2021 Bronze
Façade relief Michael Schilkin 1948 Ceramics
Façade sculptures I and II Raimo Utriainen 1982–83 Aluminium, steel
Faith, Home, Fatherland / Aerial bombings 1939–1944 Unto Ojonen 1988 Stone, bronze
Find Olavi Lanu 1989 Concrete
Fingerprint Atlas 2 EGS 2019 Mural
Floral Greeting Liisa Ruusuvaara 1973 Concrete
Flowing Movement – Towards New Ideas Terhi Ekebom ja Kirsi-Maria Raunio 2021 Mural
Forest of Encounters Kaisa Salmi 2021 Environmental art
Forward Aimo Taleva 1974 Steel
Free as a Bird, Open as the Sky Mika Heinonen 1999 Scrap iron
Gentle Stone Olavi Lanu 1992 Concrete
Golden Goose – Nesting Area Ihana Havo & Miss Kompro 2018 Environmental Art
Grains of Knowledge Reijo Huttu 2001 Bronze
Grey January Olavi Lanu 1990 Concrete
Growth Pentti Papinaho 1972 Bronze
Gyros IX Osmo Valtonen 1995 Steel
Harvest Veikko Leppänen 1956 Bronze
Health forest sculpture park Minna Alanko, Veera Inkeri, Eeva Kaisa Jauhiainen, Terhi Kaakinen, Kirsi Karppinen, Miss Kompro, Sami Leutola, Elisa Lientola, Nelli Penna, Pekka Syrjälä, Lasse Ursin 2019 Environmental art
Hennala Memorial Park
Hockey Player Bruno Kadak 2017 Aluminium
Homecoming of the Hakkapeliittas Pentti Papinaho 1975 Bronze
In a Sunny Moment Jukka Tuominen 2005 Environmental art
J. H. Erkko Essi Renvall 1956 Bronze
J. K. Paasikivi Veikko Leppänen 1960–61 Bronze
Johan Theodor Lindroos Emil Cedercreutz 1937 Bronze
Jouko Skinnari Commemorative Relief Reijo Huttu 2018 Bronze
Labour Yrjö Liipola 1946 Bronze
Lamina 2 José Cruz Ovalle 2017 Wood
Light Well Marjut Kauppinen & Reija Pasanen 2015 Environmental art
Lime Tree Olavi Lanu 1979 Concrete
Logpile Olavi Lanu 1990 Concrete
Long Live Finland – memorial to the heroes of our wars, 1939–1945 Unto Ojonen 1988 Stone, bronze
Loviisa Ram Virva Kanerva 2017 Corten steel, polycarbonate
Magma Hannu Siren 1989 Corten-steel
Maidens of Laune Kari Juva 1987 Bronze
Marjatta Sakari Tohka 1954 Bronze
Memorial plaque of the Lahti village fire Unknown artist 1951
Messages from the Winds (Wind Chime) Matti Koskela 2010 Environmental art
Mikael Agricola Emil Wikström 1953 Bronze
Mixed Tree Olavi Lanu 1996 Concrete
Monument of honour to Finnish women Unto Ojonen 1992 Granite, concrete, bronze
Monument to Red Prisoners Erkki Kannosto 1978 Bronze, granite
Monument to the Reds Jouko Jokela & Vihtori Ahponen 1949 Granite
Morning Tree Satu Loukkola 2017 Steel
Mother Earth Vladimir Feodorov 1987 Bronze
Mural Messy Desk 2017 Mural
Mural at Sammonkatu 8 Heli Martikainen 1984 Mural
Mural on the façade of air quality monitoring booth Jaakko ”Salama” Vuorenmäki 2021 Mural
Network of knowledge and skills Pentti Papinaho 1969 Bronze
On a Stone Olavi Lanu 1990s Concrete
Paragraph, memorial to Secretary of State Teemu Hiltunen Matti Koskela 2002 Red granite, grey granite, diorite
Petrified Olavi Lanu 1983 Concrete
Pile Olavi Lanu 1989 Concrete
Plaque commemorating the constitutional lawyers meeting Essi Renvall 1953 Bronze
Pro arte utili Olli Aalto 1994 Granite
Radiomäki sculpture ensemble: Stone Figures, Resting Figure, Three Willows, Sitting Figure Olavi Lanu Concrete
Relief on school façade Eino Kauria 1950 Mosaic
Relief portrait of Pentti E. Rantanen Matti Happonen 2000 Bronze, red granite
Siiri Rantanen Toivo Pelkonen 1998 Bronze, red granite
Ski Jumper Vesa Ekholm 2017 Steel
Skier Statue Viktor Jansson 1938 Bronze
Snowball Fight Viktor Jansson 1937 Bronze
Soldier Boy Kauko Kortelainen 1997 Bronze
Sower Viljo Savikurki 1951 Red granite
Speed Oskari Jauhiainen 1954 Bronze
Statue of Jari Litmanen Reijo Huttu 2010 Bronze, red granite
Statue of Liberty Viktor Jansson 1920 Bronze
Steel Grannies Sami Leutola 2018 Steel
Stump Olavi Lanu 1989 Concrete
Support Olavi Lanu 1991 Concrete
Support for the Ages Reijo Huttu 2008 Bronze, granite
Susanna in the Bath Heikki Nieminen 1961 Bronze
Teerenpeli mural Laura Lehtinen 2019 Mural
Ten Virgins Pentti Papinaho 1963 Bronze
The Dreamer on the Shore Heidi Katajamäki & Veera Inkeri 2023 Mural
The Elk Jussi Mäntynen 1955 Bronze
The Grain Cutter Aarre Aaltonen 1940 Bronze
The Laune Ostrich Villu Jaanisoo 2023 Used car tyres
The Ostrich Egg Villu Jaanisoo 2023 Recycled stainless steel
The Second Awakening Jan-Erik Andersson 2015 Environmental art
The Sower Aarre Aaltonen 1940 Bronze
The Spirit of Freedom Wäinö Aaltonen 1952 Red granite
The Stairs of Knowledge and Art Väinö Komu 2009 Bronze
Three Figures Olavi Lanu 1994 Concrete
To Go Through Grey Stone Olavi Lanu 1992 Concrete
Travellers Sami Leutola 2006 Wood
Twins – Monument to Builders Heikki Mattila 1978 Concrete
Twisted Tree Olavi Lanu 1992 Concrete
Two Stones Olavi Lanu 1991 Concrete
Untitled Sirkka Tarumaa 1957
Up to Glory Jussi Mäntynen 1961 Bronze
Village Gate Akseli Leinonen 2021 Concrete
Wave Relief Raimo Utriainen 1967/1973 Anodised aluminium
When I left they were sleeping Virpi Kanto 2016 Concrete
Willow Olavi Lanu 1989 Concrete
Willow Girl Olavi Lanu 1991 Concrete
Winners Toivo Pelkonen 1984 Aluminium
Women’s Petition – commemorative relief Pirkko Viitasalo 1989 Bronze
Wooden Spiral Richard Leplastrier 2006 Wood, stone