On this page you can browse individual works of art. 

More than 100 public works of art and monuments in the City of Lahti can be found on the site. By clicking on a work, you can read more about it and see where it is located. 

A statue depicting a kneeling man holding a helmet against his chest and lowering a sword to the ground.
After the Battle
Willehard Martin & Urho Heinänen
A bronze fountain sculpture depicting a nude female figure sitting on a stone with two human figures reaching under the stone towards her.
Aino Fountain
Emil Wikström
A concrete sculpture placed in the park, which depicts a human figure sitting on top of two stones in an arched, bridge-like position.
Olavi Lanu
A sculpture depicting a nude woman slowly sitting up.
Sakari Tohka
A concrete sculpture placed in a park depicting a crowd of standing nude figures gathered together.
Big Stone
Olavi Lanu
Detail of a colorful mural.
Block party
Laura Lehtinen & Maikki Rantala
A field landscape with a bridge ramp visible in the background. The railing of the bridge glows blue.
Blue Brakes & Light Spin
Kari Lindström
A building by the roadside with a blue-toned mural.
Blue Moment
Roberto Ciredz
Relief attached to the red brick building's wall, depicting two children with their bags in front of a train, along with accompanying text.
Commemorative relief to war children
War children and Reijo Huttu
A plastic sculpture placed in a traffic circle. The sculpture is made of plastic water pipes painted bright red, which form the shape of a crucible used to melt metal.
Risto Pentikäinen
A mural on the long wall of the building, which consists of repeating geometric patterns depicting molecular structures: cubes, spheres and straight lines.
Anu Suhonen
A sculpture with a human figure with arms spread out to the side, abstract shapes in the background.
Eetu Salin
Veikko Leppänen
A bronze relief of a man's side profile placed on the wall of a building.
Eliel Saarinen
Pentti Papinaho
A ring-shaped path with bushes planted on it.
Endless Berry path
Anna-Lea Kopperi
Statue of three bronze human figures on top of a square granite pedestal, captured slightly from the side, behind a red-toned rose bush.
Reijo Huttu and Pekka Asikainen
A ceramic relief attached to the wall of the building, depicting a man working in the field while the rest of the family watches flying birds in the sky through the window.
Façade relief
Michael Schilkin
A metallic, abstract fan-like sculpture attached to the facade of the building.
Façade sculptures I and II
Raimo Utriainen
A concrete sculpture placed in the park depicting the trunk of a tree tapering upwards.
Olavi Lanu
Sculpture consisting of five flowers.
Floral Greeting
Liisa Ruusuvaara
Staircase with yellow walls. Blue wavy patterns and white designs resembling marine plants painted on the walls.
Flowing Movement – Towards New Ideas
Terhi Ekebom ja Kirsi-Maria Raunio
Park in front of apartment buildings.
Forest of Encounters
Kaisa Salmi
Steel sculpture bent into a wave-like shape.
Aimo Taleva
A concrete sculpture placed in the park depicting two hugging human figures.
Gentle Stone
Olavi Lanu
Sculptures depicting golden geese attached to the wall and street pole.
Golden Goose – Nesting Area
Ihana Havo & Miss Kompro
A bronze statue placed in front of a building, depicting a barefoot child dressed in a long dress holding out their hands from which grains fall.
Grains of Knowledge
Reijo Huttu
A concrete sculpture placed in the park depicting two hugging human figures.
Grey January
Olavi Lanu
A bronze, abstract sculpture with a natural stone base.
Pentti Papinaho
A steel, abstract sculpture resembling a satellite dish placed in the forest.
Gyros IX
Osmo Valtonen
A bronze relief depicting a family gathering a grain harvest.
Veikko Leppänen
A stump with a human face by the edge of the pond.
Health forest sculpture park
Minna Alanko, Veera Inkeri, Eeva Kaisa Jauhiainen, Terhi Kaakinen, Kirsi Karppinen, Miss Kompro, Sami Leutola, Elisa Lientola, Nelli Penna, Pekka Syrjälä, Lasse Ursin
Aluminum ice hockey player statue wearing an orange-painted jersey.
Hockey Player
Bruno Kadak
Blue wall adorned with a flock-like arrangement of golden butterflies. In the background, a wall with climbing reddish-leaved plant.
In a Sunny Moment
Jukka Tuominen
A bronze statue depicting a man holding a book in one hand and extending the other hand forward.
J. H. Erkko
Essi Renvall
A bronze statue of a bespectacled man.
J. K. Paasikivi
Veikko Leppänen
Bronze relief with a side profile of a man.
Johan Theodor Lindroos
Emil Cedercreutz
A bronze sculpture depicting a man wiping sweat from his forehead while holding an ax in other hand.
Yrjö Liipola
Wooden artwork in a winter landscape.
Lamina 2
José Cruz Ovalle
A sculpture placed on the square that resembles a traditional cesspool.
Light Well
Marjut Kauppinen & Reija Pasanen
A concrete sculpture placed on the street depicting a human figure lying on a tree trunk.
Lime Tree
Olavi Lanu
A concrete sculpture placed in the park, depicting a pile of small tree trunks trimmed of their branches.
Olavi Lanu
A relief-like, ram-themed colorful artwork attached to an electrical transformer.
Loviisa Ram
Virva Kanerva
A box-like sculpture in steel, patinated to rust, placed in the forest.
Hannu Siren
Sculptural fountain depicting four female figures with cups in their raised hands.
Maidens of Laune
Kari Juva
A bronze sculpture depicting a nude woman holding a lingonberry branch.
Sakari Tohka
Bronze sculpture depicting a bust of a man holding a book.
Mikael Agricola
Emil Wikström
A concrete sculpture placed in the schoolyard, depicting a tree. At the top of the tree, there are two human figures sitting together.
Mixed Tree
Olavi Lanu
Five bronze human statues standing in workers' clothes in front of a gate-like structure.
Monument to Red Prisoners
Erkki Kannosto
A granite angular monument with a relief of two children holding their mother's hand.
Monument to the Reds
Jouko Jokela & Vihtori Ahponen
Red brick building with a steel wood relief on the wall at the second floor.
Morning Tree
Satu Loukkola
A bronze statue depicting a female figure standing with a serious expression.
Mother Earth
Vladimir Feodorov
A colorful, cartoon-like mural painted on two walls of the apartment building's elevator structure.
Messy Desk
Brick building along the street with a colorful mural on its wall.
Mural at Sammonkatu 8
Heli Martikainen
A concrete sculpture placed in the park depicting a naked female figure resting on a stone.
On a Stone
Olavi Lanu
A set of concrete sculptures placed in front of the building, depicting five human figures in different positions against the ground.
Olavi Lanu
A concrete sculpture placed in the park depicting a human figure sitting on an anthill with their legs crossed.
Olavi Lanu
A tall, square stone slab placed in front of the building, at the top of the stairs.
Pro arte utili
Olli Aalto
A bronze statue of a skiing woman. A ski jumping tower can be seen in the background behind the statue.
Siiri Rantanen
Toivo Pelkonen
Steel sculpture of a ski jumper. The ski jumper is supported by a high steel boom. Stadium in the background.
Ski Jumper
Vesa Ekholm
A bronze sculpture depicting a man in a classic skiing attire gliding downhill. He is bent forward, with arms and ski poles pointing outwards.
Skier Statue
Viktor Jansson
A bronze sculpture depicting a girl and a boy playing a snowball fight.
Snowball Fight
Viktor Jansson
Statue of a soldier boy blowing into a cornet.
Soldier Boy
Kauko Kortelainen
Stone relief on a building's wall depicting a person carrying a container.
Viljo Savikurki
A sculpture depicting three swallows.
Oskari Jauhiainen
A bronze sculpture depicting a man posing naked, holding a helmet in one hand and the other hand up in the air.
Statue of Liberty
Viktor Jansson
Steel Grannies
Sami Leutola
A concrete sculpture placed in the park depicting a human figure rising from a stump.
Olavi Lanu
A concrete sculpture placed in the park, which consists of two interconnected parts: a large slanting stone pillar and a human figure holding it on its head.
Olavi Lanu
Bronze sculpture depicting a man leaning on a walking stick and holding hand on a woman's shoulders.
Support for the Ages
Reijo Huttu
A fountain sculpture depicting a naked woman running away from the spray of water.
Susanna in the Bath
Heikki Nieminen
Street view of the side of a house with a colorful mural painted on it.
Teerenpeli mural
Laura Lehtinen
A bronze relief attached to a brick wall depicting ten female figures walking in a row.
Ten Virgins
Pentti Papinaho
A huge, colorful mural on a rectangular shaped multistory car park building. There are plant boxes in many colors in the foreground of the image.
The Dreamer on the Shore
Heidi Katajamäki & Veera Inkeri
Bronze sculpture depicting an elk.
The Elk
Jussi Mäntynen
A relief in which a barefoot female figure dressed in a long, toga-like garment holds a sheaf of grain under her arm.
The Grain Cutter
Aarre Aaltonen
A sculpture depicting an ostrich made of car tires standing on a stand by the side of the road.
The Laune Ostrich
Villu Jaanisoo
An egg-shaped metal sculpture consisting of metal parts arranged in lace-like patterns.
The Ostrich Egg
Villu Jaanisoo
A square with a five-winged, geometric pergola installation.
The Second Awakening
Jan-Erik Andersson
Relief in which a barefoot male figure holds with one hand a cloth wrapped around his hips, used for carrying grains, reaching out to scatter seeds.
The Sower
Aarre Aaltonen
A red granite sculpture depicting a female figure standing with her hands up.
The Spirit of Freedom
Wäinö Aaltonen
A concrete sculpture placed in the park depicting three human figures resting on a rock.
Three Figures
Olavi Lanu
A five-part wooden relief with the outlines of three walking people.
Sami Leutola
A concrete sculpture placed in the park, which depicts the trunk of a tree, which, as it rises upwards, transforms into a pillar formed by human figures circling the trunk.
Twisted Tree
Olavi Lanu
A concrete sculpture placed in the park depicting two human figures rising from boulders and reaching towards each other.
Two Stones
Olavi Lanu
A motif implemented on the wall of the building with two angular human figures moving forward sideways and holding each other's hands.
Sirkka Tarumaa
Bronze sculpture depicting three swans.
Up to Glory
Jussi Mäntynen
A large, gate-like sculpture placed in an urban space.
Village Gate
Akseli Leinonen
A three-dimensional, wave-like work attached to the outer wall of a yellow building.
Wave Relief
Raimo Utriainen
A concrete sculpture placed in the park, depicting a resting female figure growing from a willow platform.
Olavi Lanu
A concrete sculpture placed on the street depicting a seated human figure leaning on their knees.
Willow Girl
Olavi Lanu
A realief attached to the outer wall depicting four different sports events on four “levels”: on top is a ski jumper, under him a female skier, then a shot-putter and at bottom a running football player.
Toivo Pelkonen
A spiral sculpture made of logs rising on top of four stone slabs.
Wooden Spiral
Richard Leplastrier